Sunday, June 12, 2016

clinton, clinton, clinton, we get it, you like clinton. nevermind all those things sanders stands for like equality and opportunity...

On June 9th, 2016 USAToday's Eliza Collins wrote an article titled "3.5 Times That Bernie had the most awesome, scripted, graceful opportunity to drop out - but didnt". 

USAToday's intended audience is usually anyone willing to pick up their paper. Its always out in oil change depots, laundromats, gas station counter tops and left disheveled on chairs in libraries. 

Collins' article is directed at Democrats looking for a little pat on the back for supporting Sanders and then waving a big 'ol Hilary Clinton flag made of $13000 tacky fabric in the faces of those seeking true democratic leadership and protection from big government/business/religion.

Collins' has written many articles covering and discussing the left side of politics mostly covering Clinton's timeline. She is obviously pro-Clinton and gives a sympathetic-but-time-to-get-out-of-here high five to Sanders. Collins' archive of stories this year seems to me like some creepy fan mail aired publicly to gather followers and justify Collins' pro-Clinton platform. 

The entirety of this article is rude and obnoxious. Collins' does nothing but state that Bernie should have left before now and given up his life-long fight for basic civil rights, securities and democracy. 

This article's objective is a dry attempt to persuade Bern-ers that Clinton has been 'it' all along and that Sanders has been a great supporter of democratic notions and has known that he wasn't going to win. The articles fails to acknowledge any of the issues that Clinton and Sanders disagree and how that may pose problems for wandering Sanders supporters. 

I do agree with Collins in that yes, Sanders had graceful opportunities to back out but didn't. He did this because why would he be done fighting for true civil rights and democratic policy in a time where our society's sensitivity is off the charts? Nearly every single person's personal liberties are being tested in this day and age. Sanders has done nothing but fight for individual's opportunities and securities his entire life. He owes it to himself and to his supporters and to his fundamental ideals to carry it as far as he can. I do disagree with Collins in that Clinton is the end all best answer for this version America. The failure to acknowledge Sanders' devotion in this article recognizing Clinton's rank is ignorant and center-sided as far as democratic scales go. Collins fails to tie this method of true campaigning and political fight to the imperative times in American politics in which radical changes were being made and presidential candidates really had strong platforms and convictions to prove and to protect in order to protect civilians' rights and liberties versus economic gain and material extras.

shouldn't be a political slogan,
but sadly in this race that is a possibility.

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