Tuesday, June 7, 2016

total equality - blog stage #2

On Tuesday June 7th, 2016 Johnathon Tilove of The Austin American Statesman published an article titled "In debate on drafting women, McCain notes Cruz never served" which was a debate over the provision of requiring women to register for the Selective Service. 

This article boldly highlights the background and personal differences between Cruz and McCain; neither McCain nor Cruz are women and only McCain has actually served (POW-Vietnam). Within the Senate Armed Services Committee John McCain serves as chairman while Ted Cruz holds membership. 

While the article states that Cruz has two daughters it leaves out that McCain, in favor of required female registration, is also a father to two daughters (one adopted, one biological), and also to two sons (both biological). 

McCain goes on to state how many of the military leaders, both male and female, agree on this gender equal provision and why they hold his stance.

I found this article sparking my gender equality opinions ablaze! It calls to attention that there are still steps towards gender equality that need to be taken in major aspects of American systems.
As an American woman it made me more confident in my stance that wanting to be defined as totally equal to men participating in American society that we need to or should be required to take responsibility for being totally equal to men and in order to do that we need to be legally required to participate in EVERY aspect of American life as men do. 
If we want the rights of American men, then we as women need to be held accountable to "fight for" and defend the power of The United States that grants, acknowledges, and recognizes those rights in equality in this country and this should be written law.

This article also made me think about what responsibility and obligation does a "trans-gender" American citizen have in the realm of military service? 

1 comment:

  1. IT HAPPENED! One step closer to equality!


    Women are now required by federal law to register for the select services if they are turning 18 on or after January 1, 2018.
