Thursday, June 16, 2016

we're screwed - blog stage #4

On June 16th, 2016 Jamie O'Neil of The Smirking Chimp wrote a piece titled "These Times We're Living In" basically admitting he is an "internet-troll" who is anti-public displays of religion, apathetic non-voters, and pro-Bernie. 

O'Neil's audience is quite apparent; the "old" liberal-lefties, the atheist anti-partisan/independent "greenies" and college educated (most likely) folks capable of pragmatic thinking who are behind Mister Bernie Sanders. 

His vocabulary and social media know-how direct him towards people between the ages of 25 and 65 who have participated in religious families, gone to college, have a job and even a family, and have had real-world experiences beyond what the media feeds us and are tired of the sell-outs. 

In this short piece O'Neil is a little on the hate-everyone-but-Bernie side, which I totally get, but he's just in attack-mode and happens to have writers' access to a blog site. 

He calls out the extreme right-wingers, the brooding extreme left-wingers and the political sell-outs. Good for him! We all know it, O'Neil is just using his small dash of power in the media to type it. 

O'Neil's credibility is that over the past year, skimming over his past articles, he is an exceptionally deliberate pro-Bernie writer who has a lot to condemn and slash about everyone, including voters, but offers no solutions whatsoever. He is against anyone running for any presidential spot ever unless its Bernie Sanders. Over this month's past articles he draws similarities between all candidates and to relevant past presidents stating that 'all bad that has happened is going to happen again and we're voting for it because Bernie Sanders isn't winning".  

The quote that most sums up O'Neil's piece is there is "a vat of stupidity the religious right stews itself in daily. And it tastes and smells a lot like the hatred now found among so many on the left, people who stew in their own vats of seething and unreasoning hatred, right down to their insistence on thinking in terms much like those found on the religious right, shrieking with spittle flying from their lips that Hillary Clinton is evil". O'Neil is anti-wingers in general. I wholeheartedly agree; there are too many people just hating on someone else because rage is easy and doesn't require intellgence. Not enough people are offering up solutions, methods, strategies to build up a candidate instead of tearing down all the others. But that is the easiest group to sway; the "sheeple", they're the ones that make up the votes.

Throughout this piece O'Neil just states the obvious; we are doomed. It's sad but true, we have backed ourselves into a corner and left ourselves two options; Trump or Hilary; Satan or Satan. O'Neil, without actually saying it, is asking for the people to give a s*** and to show up and prove that we give a s***. Its easier for big government, big business, big political parties if we don't think, if we don't care, and if we don't vote. Its easier to herd sheep than wolves. 

I agree that Sanders would be a great president, that the left and right are evils of the same breed of maniacal dead-eyed smirking type of crazy and that, in general, voters are dumb. We are doomed if we don't think and if we don't vote. At least be an informed sheep.

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