Saturday, June 25, 2016

if there are humans, there is unnecessary violence - blog #8

My classmate Zac Quinn wrote a fair piece titled "The Violence and The Guns". This piece highlights that there is some 'treading water' in the government, especially lately, concerning gun regulation and gun violence. 

Quinn straight up says there is violence, it is a day-to-day reality for some, the media numbs us to it with the exaggerated stories and our government is not making much movement towards standard gun laws and public safety; "these are outlandish events (the extreme violence) in their own right, but their frequency has diminished that significance. It is significant that people are fighting for their own or fighting to end others' lives day after day. Our global society exudes violence day in and day out."

Its true, it is super significant that the right to life, quality of life, or someone else's life is in jeopardy or in need of defense or even offense. 

In discussion of most recent gun laws being discussed due to the Orlando Shooting, its true a lot of splashes are being made but whether or not those splashes are turning into forward movement its hard to tell. The government seems to be just treading water at this point. It is understandably difficult to create stricter gun laws without making the 2nd-Amendment Worshippers uncomfortable/afraid, the non-armed feel more chill, and make it close to impossible for wackos to gear up and attempt a massacre. There has to be some common ground and its going to be rocky and scary for a while but that is just how the government works and its on purpose. There will always be violence if there are weapons. There will always be weapons if there are humans. There will always be humans where there is unnecessary violence. Its a circle and the government has to be able to create enough roadblocks to block those that act on violence, filter those that want to opportunity to defend themselves, and protect those that want nothing to do with guns. 

I live by a creedo of sorts; do what you want, just don't do it on me. As long as it does not harm others then it is of no concern to me. Yes there is a loose definition of what "harm" means as well as "on me" means. It means you do your thing, I'll do mine and we can not do each others' things and be ok with it. The vast majority of people live by a version of this creedo along the lines of "do what you want but if I see it and it makes me feel weird then be prepared to hear and feel all about it". This is when the access to guns is a bad idea. 

 I felt like Quinn shares a similar view of "holy s*** why isn't something being done to create some sort of control over violence in society?". Why isn't the media helping more rather than just reporting the violence and then going right into something else? 

Creating laws for the lowest common denominator is a arduous task but it can be done. It just takes time and its a sad reality that in that time lives are lost and lives are in danger. 

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